NAIROBI - Meet the duo who want to introduce you to akdenizrack warehouse and storage system.They are based in Turkey with thirty years of experience in rack and storage systems.
Board member, Saniye kurt , said during the food and beverage exhibition that they are in Nairobi to expand their business and look for potential business partners.
"We are the manufacturers of akdenizrack and storage systems, we are mainly based in Turkey and we are excited to showcase our business in Nairobi.".The akdenizrack company has exported their goods with 85 different countries.They have also established their name in the African continent with countries such as Tanzania, Algeria, Senegal and Nigeria. They are hoping to add Kenya to their list.
According to their website, "With this system, building construction is not required in advance. Building-free rack systems do not require construction investment, thus providing a price advantage of between 18% and 27%".
Board Member, Hatice Abak said the akdenizrack and storage systems company first meets up with clients to have an idea of their systems before they send their dimensions and then they agree on the best way forward after they agree on the prices."We have found some customers in the food sector in Nairobi, we like Nairobi and we are planing to come back again.This is our first exhibition, we are very happy about the outcome", she said.
According to Abak the company has taken a risk by showcasing their project at the exhibition. With hope they will find an agency and open an office in Nairobi.During the exhibition they were the only company from Turkey with this idea , they believe that this advantage will lead to opportunities.
Before coming to Nairobi they were discouraged by people who told them to be very careful about the Kenyan market.They said that it is very difficult to get a breakthrough.But visiting the city has made them to change their opinion about Kenya.
"It is very difficult , but now that I have seen Nairobi, I wish we had visited earlier, it is a nice city and there are many opportunities".She said.
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