KENYA - Felix Omondi , an upcoming international stand up comedian decided to venture into comedy when he discovered his ability to make people laugh. He says ,"When I used to have normal conversions with people, they were always laughing at everything that I was saying and they kept saying, you should try comedy". The 24- year- old didn't take interest in comedy at that time, but later on, he realized that he is good at making people laugh , he decided to try it out. Omondi is passionate about comedy , he finds joy and fulfillment from making people laugh. Although he graduated from Moi University with a BA in Political Science and Public Administration, he is currently a full time comedian. Felix Omondi says that if you want to do something , you should have interest in it . When he begun his journey in comedy, he was not getting paid. He used to go to events to perform his stand-up jokes for free. Sometimes when he cracked his jo...
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